University Librarian Shares...
Bethany Wilkes
University Librarian
Welcome to the new academic year!
This is my first-time writing “University Librarian Shares,” and I’m pleased to have the opportunity to share some of the timely and innovative activities and initiatives that the SMU Libraries have implemented these last few months.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and Singapore’s ‘circuit breaker,’ SMU’s physical libraries closed as part of the campus closure in June, reopening in a limited capacity just over a month later. The preparedness and flexibility of the Libraries’ staff enabled them to provide a rich array of services in the digital landscape. Not only did the Libraries quickly transition to digital, but at the same time, we also introduced new services to benefit the SMU community alongside adapting to the ‘new normal.’
We are delighted that we can now welcome back members of the SMU community to our two libraries on campus! With campus partners, we have put into place several Safe Management measures for your health and safety.
SMU Libraries are embracing the opportunities of digital transformation to optimise existing, and introduce new, services to advance research, teaching, and learning. New digital tools integrate library resources into student and researcher workflows, making relevant academic and other resources even easier to access. We have also created a unique collection of papers related to COVID-19 authored by SMU-affiliates as well as a guide to COVID-19 academic resources. These highlight SMU work and assist the community in keeping up to date with COVID-19 developments.
As teaching and learning moved online, the Libraries participated in several ways. One contribution has been preparing students for the shift. The Library Peer Advisors (LPAs), alongside SMU librarians and campus partners, conducted well-received workshops to prepare students to make the most of learning in the online environment.
I hope that you will try out, read, and review some of the tools and resources highlighted in this newsletter and share your feedback.
Welcome Back To SMU Libraries
During the circuit breaker period, SMU Libraries quickly transitioned to digital service delivery only. While the Libraries’ enhanced digital services are still in place, after a short hiatus, SMU Libraries reopened its physical libraries for the new term! To ensure the well-being and safety of library users, SMU Libraries put in place several Safe Management measures.
The two libraries on campus have a maximum occupancy. Li Ka Shing Library and Kwa Geok Choo Law Library have a maximum occupancy of 1000 and 300 respectively. Library users can check the real-time occupancy rate of each library on the Libraries’ website. Security personnel at the entrance of the Libraries conduct temperature checks and ensure that users are actively using SafeEntry. The cleaners disinfect common spaces and equipment regularly. Library users need to observe safe distancing and wear a mask at all times.
The Safe Management measures may introduce slight inconveniences. However, these measures can help safeguard the well-being and safety of SMU community. So let’s play an active role by adhering to these measures! SMU Libraries want to especially thank the security personnel and cleaners who are working tirelessly to keep the libraries safe and clean.
Keeping Up-to-Date with COVID-19
Since the emergence of the pandemic, faculty and researchers have been sharing their research and insights to help better understand the impact of COVID-19. SMU faculty members such as SMU Provost and Academic Fellow of the International Council of Management Consulting Institutes (ICMCI), Professor Tim Clark, and University Professor, Professor Arnoud De Meyer, contributed insights and comments on COVID-19. These articles address a range of issues. From implications of COVID-19 on business, organisations, society, to solutions and toolkits for coping with the impact of COVID-19, these articles have been published in journals, magazines and newspapers.
The SMU Libraries created a COVID-19 collection in InK to make these articles easily accessible to the SMU community and beyond. New papers on COVID-19 by SMU authors will be added when published.
Check out our Research Guide on COVID-19 related academic resources, including articles and news, on business impact, health sciences and law.
Three Easy Ways to Get that Online Library Resource that You Need
Usability of online resources was identified as an area for improvement in the 2020 Library Quality Service Survey. Over the vacation, SMU Libraries introduce new features and tool to enhance the accessibility to online library resources.
From accessing full text of journal articles behind paywalls from Google and Wikipedia with one click to getting to a PDF in the library search directly, we hope these new features and tools will enhance your experience in making use of the online resources that SMU Libraries subscribe.
Try out these three easy ways to get that online library resource that you need!
(Artwork adapted from macrovector / Freepik)
Freshmen Kickstarting the New Term with Library Peer Advisors
The Library Peer Advisors (LPAs), alongside SMU librarians, organised a series of activities and workshops to help Freshmen prepare for their first semester and get the most out of online learning
From sharing tips and personal stories in live briefings during Freshmen Orientation to conducting workshops on getting ready for online learning, the LPAs, consisting of Year three and four SMU students, have reached out to over 1600 Freshmen.
How did Freshmen find the activities and the workshops?
" Really relatable tips, especially the learning hacks - gets me started on school! "
" Really love the approachable and friendly vibes from the LPAs haha. Thank you for organising these workshops! "
" I like the segment whereby the presenters taught us their experience with how to make full use of online classes and be productive. "
Let’s hear from our LPAs, Constance, Derrick, Joe, Joey, Pei Ying, Yiling and Shubhangi, in their video, LPA Confessions.
New Face in the Libraries
Zhenyan is a librarian in the Learning and Information Services team. Her main responsibilities include leading the SMU Libraries Freshmen Orientation programme and coordinating Bite-Sized Library Workshops in close collaboration with SMU partners.
In her free time, she enjoys travelling, hiking, and chilling out at floral workshops. Her favourite route is the Southern Ridges trail, which starts from Kent Ridge Park and ends with a comfort meal at VivoCity!
What We Did Last FY
How did SMU Libraries perform since the last Library Service Quality Survey in 2018? How have SMU Libraries supported SMU students and research in 2019?
Answers available in Library Annual Report 2019/2020.
SMU Libraries
Email: library [at] smu.edu.sg
Tel: 6828 0355
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