Welcome Back!!
What’s New at the Library? Plenty!! The library has been working hard through the summer break to bring to you many exciting offerings this term, including:
- iPads : Two iPads affixed to iPad stations on level 2 for use within the library. One iPad is available for borrowing.
- PYXIS+ : Your gateway to academic discovery. A Google-like one search box experience where you can now search for books, articles, journals and other library resources faster and easier.
- Selected Board Games and Wii Sports Resort are now available for borrowing. Enjoy them!
- Magazines , including National Geographic and Bon Appetit, among others are now available for browsing in the library, as well as for borrowing.
- A refreshed, leaner and meaner LifeStyle collection with great new titles like Lone Wolf, The Hunger Games, Frommer’s Hawaii 2012, The Best of Me and many others.
- More Movies and Popular TV series – remember "Ask and you shall Receive"?
- A brand new Collaborative Study Area on level 2 for you to lounge and relax while browsing magazines, newspapers or using one of the iPads
- New digital screens on all floors to keep you up to date with what's going on
Wishing you a great start to the new term!
Many thanks,
The Li Ka Shing Library