Getting Started in Alternative Investments
By (author): Matthew Dearth, Ku Swee Yong
Monday, 12 June 2023, 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM (SGT)
Hive, Li Ka Shing Library, Level 2
In Getting Started in Alternative Investments: Understanding the World of Investment Strategies , a team of accomplished finance professionals delivers a comprehensive and insightful introduction to mainstream and alternative investments. The book explores a wide range of investible assets, including hedge funds, private equity, venture capital, real estate, sustainable and impact investing, insurance-linked securities, collectibles, and emerging alternatives such as cryptocurrencies, NFTs and asset-backed tokens.
The authors discuss common strategies across asset classes, applicability for different types of investors, and describe the key characteristics of these investments-including liquidity, scale, transparency, performance, fees, and risks.
Discussions of the rapidly growing field of ESG-aware investing as well as area-specific “Due Diligence Checklists” that highlight some of the primary challenges faced by investors are included.
*Getting Started in Alternative Investments: Understanding the World of Investment Strategies is accessible to the SMU community through SMU Libraries.
The book is also available for purchase at the book launch at a discount price of SGD36.50 nett. Payment in cash or by PayNow / PayLah!
5:00 PM - 5:15 PM
5:15 PM - 5:20 PM
SMU Libraries Welcome:
Shameem Nilofar
University Librarian
Singapore Management University
5:20 PM - 5:30 PM
Opening Address:
"Alternatives, Diversification, and the Portfolio of the Future"
William (Bill) J. Kelly
President & Chief Executive Officer, CAIA Association
5:30 PM - 5:40 PM
"Investing in Alternatives: Challenges and Lessons Learned"
Misha Graboi (Guest Speaker)
Chief Financial Officer, Chia
Ex-Chief Executive Officer, PAAMCO Asia
5:40 PM - 5:45 PM
"How Alternative Investments Fit into Wiley’s Getting Started In Series"
Syd Ganaden (Guest Speaker)
Commissioning Editor, Wiley
5:45 PM - 5:55 PM
Book Launch
5:55 PM - 6:15 PM
Authors Sharing:
Matthew Dearth
Adjunct Faculty, Lee Kong Chian School of Business, Singapore Management University
Ku Swee Yong
Director, International Property Advisor Pte Ltd
6:15 PM - 6:25 PM
Q & A
6:25 PM - 6:35 PM
Authors Closing Remarks
6:35 PM - 7:00 PM
Book Signing & Refreshments
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