SMU Libraries Curate - Financial Regulation

Banner photo by Daniel Lloyd Blunk-Fernández on Unsplash 

Who watches Wall Street? Since financial regulation aims to maintain market confidence, ensure financial stability, and protect the person on the double-decker bus, understanding how and why regulators do what they do would benefit individuals who intend to work in or adjacent to the financial sector.

The July issue of SMU Libraries Curates consolidates some key material, aimed at providing insight into the workings and considerations underpinning financial regulation, including the murk(ier) waters of cryptocurrency, decentralised finance (aka “DeFi”), and the green economy.

Read quietly, lest you wake the regulators.



Selected MAS Publications

*SMU author / publication


This selection of resources is curated by Bryan Leow, Associate Librarian, Law.

Banner image by Daniel Lloyd Blunk-Fernández on Unsplash