Dear SMU Community
SMU papers have been downloaded 2 million times from our open access institutional repository, InK (Institutional Knowledge @ Singapore Management University) on 6 July 2018. InK showcases SMU publications, which includes the full text of journal articles, conference publications, PhD dissertations and Masters theses, making them available to anyone with access to the Internet. It was launched in December 2010, and hit one million downloads in April 2016. In just over two years, InK achieved an additional 1 million downloads for a total of 2 million downloads. Every download is indicative of the impact of the research done at SMU at over 34,000 institutions from across 230 countries.
The papers with the two top downloads from each school and postgraduate programmes are:
Thank you for uploading your papers to IRIS. This enables the Library to make them available in InK. We hope to continue making your publications more discoverable and impactful.