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LibConnect: February 2020

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From the Desk of Gulcin Cribb
University Librarian

Photo of University Librarian Gulcin Cribb

Welcome to Term 2 and 2020. 2020 marks the 10th anniversary of InK (SMU’s Institutional Knowledge). InK, born in 2010 now offers over 10,000 full-text papers authored by SMU faculty, staff and students available on open access. In addition to papers, InK also houses dissertations and SMU heritage collections, such as the oral history recordings and selected photographs related to SMU history. It is used by organisations and individuals worldwide so much so that documents have been downloaded over three and a half million times so far. I am sure the number of downloads will reach 4 million by the middle of the year. InK is a fantastic platform to showcase SMU’s research and publications and help enhance SMU’s impact globally.

I will be saying ‘farewell’ to SMU in mid March as I embark on the next stage of my life.

I have enjoyed serving SMU community as the University Librarian for the last eight years. It has been an immense honour and privilege to lead such a professional, expert and service-oriented team to support SMU’s vision.

Thank you for your fantastic support of the Library and the library team.

New Kids on the Block: Library Peer Advisors

Say hi to the Library Peer Advisors!

Photo of Library Peer Advisors

Clockwise from the top left: Constance, Joe, Pei Ying, Joey

Photo of Library Peer Advisors

From left to right: Yiling, Derrick, Shubhangi

The Library Peer Advisors (LPA) are a group of students providing peer-to-peer support by students for students in areas such as citation help, database training and conducting library tours.

Studies have shown that peer-assisted learning is beneficial in providing supportive social networks for students and allows them to learn and acquire knowledge from their peers. The LPA expands the already existing peer ecosystems in SMU such as the Peer Helpers, Peer Advisors, Peer Tutors, Comm Coaches and Career Champions.

Why did they become [library peer advisors]? Here are some words from them:

“I remember the first time we were required to write an opinion piece for PWR and that was also the first time that I had to take APA citations very seriously. It was something that I found very hard to do since there were so many things that I had to take note of while doing so. I wanted to be able to help others who are also facing the same difficulties and hopefully allow them to spend a shorter time doing so.”

“When we were told that the library is looking for students who can aid the SMU Community in areas such as APA citation and library tours, I took up the opportunity immediately. I saw the opportunity as an exposure and development as well as a way for me to understand the challenges that students face.”

How can they help #SMUggers?

Currently, the library peer advisors help support in:

  • APA Citation Help
  • Library Tours for students
  • Database Training

The World in 2020

Dr. Simon highlighting key economic developments

Dr Simon Baptist highlighting key economic developments in 2020

Panellists having lively discussions on questions posed by the audience

Panellists answering questions posed by the audience

SMU Libraries kick-started 2020 by taking a look at the global economy. Co-organised by the Library and The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), The World in 2020, brought together financial experts and SMU scholars to discuss the micro and macro outlook of the global economic scene, key risks and their impact on the business environment. SMU’s Professor Gerry George (Dean, Lee Kong Chian School of Business, Lee Kong Chian Chair Professor of Innovation and Entrepreneurship), Tan Swee Liang, Associate Professor of Economics (Practice), SMU, Dr. Simon Baptist (Global Chief Economist, Managing Director, EIU, Asia) and Waqas Adenwala (EIU Asia Analyst) provided participants with valuable insights and perspectives on the economy scene in 2020.

Read the full post-event write-up by the Library Peer Advisors, Yiling & Shubhangi.

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Five Things You Should Know About Copyright

If the concept of copyright is one which boggles your mind, then you are probably not alone. Both owners as well as users of copyrighted works are often unsure, or at least a little confused of their rights and obligations when it comes to working with copyrighted works. Here are  five guidelines to get you started. You can also get in touch with the nazimah [at] (Library’s Copyright Librarian) for answers to your burning questions on copyright!

The EZ way of paying Library fines

Photo of self-check machine with ezlink payment capability

Paying your library fines just became a whole lot easier.

Library users can use their EZ-Link cards to pay library fines at the self-check machines in the Reserves area.

Starting March, the Library will be rolling out this new service at both Li Ka Shing Library and the Kwa Geok Choo Law Library, so watch this space.

SMUSA Surey Infographics about the library
SMU 20th Anniversary

SMU Libraries
Email: library [at]
Tel: 6828 0355


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