By Yeo Pin Pin, Head, Research Services
Scopus started tagging the publications with United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). This allows universities to monitor and map how the work of their researchers contributes to the SDGs. You are able to see these tags at the full record page since January 2022. The tags are assigned using a list of keywords and machine learning. Note that not every publication indexed in Scopus gets SDG tags.

How is SMU doing in producing publications in UN SDGs?
In SciVal, using Overview module, under the tab for Published, by SDG, we can get an overview of SMU publications tagged by the UN SDGs. For the period 2018-2022, the chart maps the relative activity for SMU publications in each SDG. SMU has high relative activity or share of publications for SDG 1: No Poverty and SDG 10: Reduced Inequality.
When looking at the bar chart, SMU has FWCI greater than 2.00 for SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being, SDG 13: Climate Action, SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy and SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities.
Note: For SDG 14 Life Below Water, there were 2 publications with one well-cited publication which resulted in a high average FWCI for this SDG.

How to benchmark SMU publications in UN SDGs with other institutions?
Using the Trends module in SciVal, for SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities, SMU has 129 publications with FWCI 2.09. When compared with other institutions in SDG 11, SMU does not have the volume of publications of Harvard and University of Oxford and Hong Kong Polytechnic University, but SMU has some impactful publications in this SDG from the publications by faculty from SCIS, SOSS and CIS.

How to get access to SciVal?
Go to https://www.scival.com/. Create an account in SciVal and use it to sign in. If you have already created an account in Scopus or ScienceDirect, it can also be used in SciVal.
Understanding societal impact just got easier: We added the UN SDGs to the Document details page. (2022, January). Elsevier Scopus Blog. https://blog.scopus.com/posts/understanding-societal-impact-just-got-easier-we-added-the-un-sdgs-to-the-document-details
Analyze & understand societal impact research with SciVal: A closer look for research leaders [for more information on the Trends module]. (2021, March). https://beta.elsevier.com/academic-and-government/societal-impact-research-with-scival