Managing Complexity and COVID-19 (MCC-19): Life, Liberty, or The Pursuit of Happiness
Managing Complexity and COVID-19 (MCC-19): Life, Liberty, or The Pursuit of Happiness Edited by Aurobindo Ghosh, Amit Haldar and Kalyan…
SMU Libraries Curate: Laughter is an instant vacation
Covid two years on - while global travel restrictions are starting to ease, some hodophiles (ones who love to travel) are choosing to wait-and-see…
Welcome to a new semester
University Librarian Shameem Nilofar Dear Students, On behalf of SMU Libraries, it gives me great pleasure to welcome new and…
Virtual Investment Studio: Access FactSet, SDC Platinum, and WIND Databases
Dear SMU Community As part of SMU Libraries digital transformation journey, we are pleased to announce the new Virtual Investment Studio. You can…
Register! But Don't Chope! Free Bite-Sized Library Workshops in Term 1 AY2022-23
Bite-Sized Library Workshops are here again. Join librarians and other campus partners such as SSC, ODOS, IITS, and Faculty from 22…
SMU Libraries will be closed on National Day, 9 August
Dear SMU Community SMU Libraries will be closed on 9 August 2022, Tuesday, National Day. The Learning Commons at Li Ka Shing Library and Kwa Geok…
SMU Libraries Opening Hours: Hari Raya Haji
Dear SMU Community SMU Libraries' opening hours on Sunday, 10 July 2022 (Hari Raya Haji) and Monday, 11 July 2022 are: Sunday, 10 July 2022 (Hari…
New interactive resource on Digital Literacy: What you need to know
SMU’s Digital Learning Strategy highlights the need for students to have digital skills and it underscored in the SMU Holistic Student Development…
SMU Ithaka S+R Faculty Survey 2022
Survey Period: 17 May - 13 June 27 June 2022 Participate in a Singapore Management University version of the Ithaka S+R Faculty Survey, which is an…
SMU Libraries Opening Hours: 14 May - 16 May 2022
Due to the upcoming public holiday and aircon upgrading works, SMU Libraries will temporarily adjust the opening hours of the physical libraries and…